Compare Jobs Components

(MODE: Components) 

To compare components on both designs, there are several settings you should consider. At the top, there is an option tab. This tab contains all attributes of all components, including the second design components as well. Every checked attribute on that list will be checked. For example: If only the "Position" attribute is checked, every component on first design will be compared with the corresponding component on the second design. The comparison will just check the position, any other attribute will be ignored.

After checking the important attributes, the comparison can be started. Click the "Compare Components" button to start the process. 

The results will be shown after the waiting dialog is shut down. Before checking the results, it is necessary to know in what state the result may be.

Possible result states are:

As you can see, this overview is also available in the dialog. It shows you the summary of all results. There is also a checkbox which can be used to list only results with a different state.

(Hint: Remember that the output only includes the selected attributes)

Result state definition:

  • Equal: If two components are equal, there haven´t been found any differences.
  • Only in active job: If the state shows "Only in active job", the component is completely missing in the "Compared Job" (Second Job).
  • Only in compared job: If the state shows "Only in compared job", the component is completely missing in the "Active Job" (First Job).
  • Different: The state "Different" shows you all components which are different regarding to the chosen attributes.
  • Similar: Similar components do have no differences regarding to the chosen attributes. Any other attribute can be different.

The results which will be shown may look like the following picture.

The different colors show the result status. Clicking one result entry will show you the details below. For example:

Clicking the "different!" state result, the detail view may look like this.

The red colored attributes show you the differences between components of the designs. Black colored attributes are identical. The red and black color depends on the state of the result.

If you click a result with a "similar" state, every attribute with differences is in a red font.

(Remember: "Similar" means that there aren´t any differences between components on chosen attributes. Just unchecked attributes will be colored red here.)