Connect Library information with your AVL File, with individual importer it can read csv, excel and other files.
Check all components with vidual fitting helper and maybe transform wrong locations or rotations with the simple user interface:
Depending on the MPN and Manufacturer the BOM Expert search for library information and connect them with the open design, this can include properties and step files. You can automatically set no_pop/comp_ignore attributes and use custom actions with an post script to do special actions depending on the imported data.
The Settings containing a list of importers, Searchend Properties and settings to handle not found components. It also has options to add missing entries in an intermediate library and an post script (found by GUID in your favorites).
Unknown => It is not possible to give more details
ReferenceNotInDesign => The reference in imported data is not available in the design
ReferenceNotInAVL => The component in the design has no entry in imported file
NoPartAvailable => The part list do not contain results in the selected library
NoPartSelected => No part selected mean the user has to select one
NotFoundInLib => The library do not contain a fitting item
SelectedPartDoesNotMatch => There is a maybe wrong part selected, please check the selected part
OK => Part is OK
OKUnverified => The pin matiching is not checked but the part is marked as OK