How to use

Testcoverage Report use the results of machine analysis for reporting the test efficiency and production yield for the complete PCB.

overview testcoverage report dialog

You can use AOI/AXI Analysis and DFT Preperation to generate machine results to include them in the testcoverage calculation.

All saved results possible to select for single machines, depending to the machine you have some filters e.g. AOI THT machine use only results with THT filter off.


You can organize your production street with different machines:

1) Use default machine order with SPI-, AOI-, AXI-, ICT-, BScan- and FPT-Machines

2) Add new machine with own settings or from the template list.

3) Remove selected machine from the machien order list.

4) Move selected machine to the left.

5) Move selected machine to the right.

6) OK close the dialog and save the new machine order.

Each machine should be configurated with parameters to start an analysis and get check information from there. E.g. you can have an AOI machine which can test some components found in the AOI Analysis, or you have an AXI machine with specific settings (e.g. test only BGAs and DPack components) this creates an analysis result and the machine definition define the machine connection to the test result. You can start the analysis for each machine directly with the small button beside the drop down "Selected Result".


In the Overview you find some tab pages, at the end the Test Contribution Chart shows you which machine has how much influence on the check:

On the left side you can change the PPVS selection to display the diagram for the selected type.

1) how much components not tested

2) multi machine tests mean components found in more than one machines result (e.g. in AOI and ICT results)

3+4) AOI SMD and AXI have here 0 %, because the results overlap with other machines and included in 2)

5) ICT has some component only tested by this machine.