(The following description shows the difference to the "Net to Net" tab)
"To Outline" can be used to check the distance of a "Net Group" or a "Net" to the outline of the PCB.
It is possible to check the distance of a "Net Group" or a "Net".
The second number shows you the value which will be the reference for the check. If the calculated distance is smaller than the set value, the corresponding net will be reported.
If the third option is set, the chosen net or net group will be checked only to the PCB outline. If you uncheck the third option, the net or net group will also be checked to routing layers and unplated drills (Note: If the "Maximum Creepage flow steps" is set to two or higher and "Drills and routing layers" are not ignored, the net or net group will check the distance to different layers as well.).
"Run All" conducts like the calculate button below. The only difference is that "Run All" checks every net group to the outline instead of just one.
If a netgroup is selected in the control field, it checks whether there is a rule that contains the selected rule group for the netgroup selected above. If such a rule exists, the distances which are stored in the rule are used for the calculation. If a net is selected instead of a netgroup in point "1", the system first checks whether the net belongs to a netgroup. If this is the case, the procedure is identical to the sequence with a netgroup. If the net is not in a netgroup, the entered distance is used for the calculation.