Gerber is an open ASCII vector format for 2D binary images, which allows a smooth data exchange between CAD (development) and CAM (production), since it can be imported as well as exported by all current CAD and all common CAM programs. It is particularly used to output the layout data for printed circuit boards. However, it must be noted that the Gerber format can only contain one layer per file, so multilayer PCBs must be recorded in several Gerber files. The RS-274-X extension is a two-dimensional bi-level vector-oriented image description format that includes coordinates and commands and contains a complete, unambiguous description of a circuit board. Since the format does not describe which position is displayed, it is recommended making the filename visible in the layer function . Although the export of the format provides a list of all component connections to networks and bores, no components and network data are supported. This deficiency can, however, be offset by using the IPC-D-356 network list.
If you search for instructions how to modify gerber data to run analysis and exports see this page.