Sieb & Meyer

The Sieb & Meyer format - as well as the Excellon format; they only in a few details - was created to operate CNC drilling and milling machines. Therefore, it supports only simple attributes and drill tool definitions and is primarily used to output drill information, like for example the diameter of the holes. As a rule, each drill file also requires a separate tool file, which indicates the diameter of the tool used.

If you want to export Sieb and Meyer Files use this dialog:

You have an list for all rout and drill layers with some information like element count and Type.

Many of the options for specific other drill and routing formats and not allowed for sieb and Meyer.

You can select the standard tools for not defined elements e.g. like surfaces with routings inside.

In the Manage Tools dialog you have a list of all used tools and can manage sprcific information like Spindle speed, Retract Rate and Feedrate. You can add your own information to each tool. Depending on the format it uses the standard information on different locations e.g. by tool change or only in header.