The Seica export creates a package of files (.alf/.inf/.nod/.par/.sha/.shi) that contain all available component and net information to easily create the test program in the VIVA Software of Seica.
Following export settings are possible:
 that contain all available component and net information to easily create the test program in the VIVA Software of Seica. Following export settings are possible:)

- Additional Channel Offset: If a channel is set by AutoSetChannels or TryToParseChannelNumberFromComment, this channel will be incremented by this offset (e.g. AdditionalChannelOffset=1 => Channel 100 will be exported as 101)
- Auto Set Channels: Set a unique channel number per Forced/Alternative Probe (if TryToParseChannelNumberFromComment=false)
- Try to Parse Channel Number from Comment: If the channel number is stated in the comment of the probes, this number will be used in the Seica export. (AutoSetChannels will not be used!)
- Side Switch: If true, the PCB will be checked from bottom up
- Rotation: If >0, the PCB will be rotated clockwise by this angle (e.g. 90°) after applying the SideSwitch command (if SideSwitch=true)
- Resistor Macro Name: Macro name for Resistor (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Capacitor Macro Name: Macro name for Capacitor (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Inductor Macro Name: Macro name for Inductor (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Diode Macro Name: Macro name for Diode (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- LED Macro Name: Macro name for LED (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Zener Macro Name: Macro name for Zener (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Transistor (NPN) Macro Name: Macro name for NPN Transistors (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Transistor (PNP) Macro Name: Macro name for PNP Transistors (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Mosfets (N) Macro Name: Macro name for N-Channel Mosfets (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Mosfets (P) Macro Name: Macro name for P-Channel Mosfets (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Jumper (Open) Macro Name: Macro name for Open Jumper (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Jumper (Closed) Macro Name: Macro name for Closed Jumper (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Switch (Open) Macro Name: Macro name for Open Switch (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Switch (Closed) Macro Name: Macro name for Closed Switch (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Potentiometer Macro Name: Macro name for Potentiometer (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Fuse Macro Name: Macro name for Fuse (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Opto Photo Coupler Macro Name: Macro name for Opto Photo Coupler (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- ICOpen Macro Name: Macro name for ICOpen (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Pin2GND Macro Name: Macro name for Pin2GND (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Pin2GND+ICOpen Macro Name: Macro name for Pin2GND AND ICOpen (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Standard Macro Name: Macro name for Components without Test Models (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Standard Device Name: Device name for Components without Test Models (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Multi Model Macro Name: Macro name for Components with more than one Test Model (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Multi Model Device Name: Device name for Components with more than one Test Model (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Not mounted Macro Name: Macro name for Components that are 'ignored in output' (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Not mounted Device Name: Device name for Components that are 'ignored in output' (Value from Property: %PROP_NAME%)
- Special Macro/Device Rules: Rules to define the Macro and Device according to a property value. Overrides all other Macro/Device settings
- Pin2Pin Max Distance (MM): Maximum distance for pins of different nets to be tested for short circuit (µm)
- Standard Diode Test Value (mV): Test value for standard diodes in mV
- Standard Diode Tolerance: Tolerance for standard diodes (%)
- Schottky Diode Test Value (mV): Test value for schottky diodes in mV
- Schottky Diode Tolerance: Tolerance for schottky diodes (%)
- LED Diode Test Value (mV): Test value for LED diodes in mV
- LED Diode Tolerance: Tolerance for LED diodes (%)
- Inductor Tolerance Addition (%): Inductor Tolerance Addition in %
- Resistor Tolerance Addition (%): Resistor Tolerance Addition in %
- Capacitor Tolerance Addition (%): Capacitor Tolerance Addition in %