The Takaya export creates a “.ca9” file containing a whole test program. This includes a wire analysis where parallel and serial Resistors/Capacitors/Inductors are merged if there are not enough probes to test them separately. For small value components, that get lost in the tolerance of the overall circuit, additional Vision Tests are created.
The export can be done for one-sided Takaya machines as well as for two-sided ones (4 fingers on one side, 2 on the other).
Following export settings are possible:

- Machine Type: Machine Type (Double Sided / Single Sided)
- Minimum Component Height (MM): Min. Component Height to export as High-Fly Zone
- Maximum Component Height (MM): Max. Component Height to export as High-Fly Zone
- Additional Safety Distance (MM): Additional Safety Distance added on the Component Height
- Side Switch: If true, the PCB will be checked from bottom up
- Rotation: If >0, the PCB will be rotated clockwise by this angle (e.g. 90°) after applying the SideSwitch command (if SideSwitch=true)
- Short Measuring Time: Short Measuring Time (@MT) (<0 => Not used)
- Resistor Measuring Time: Resistor Measuring Time (@MT) (<0 => Not used)
- Diode Measuring Time: Diode Measuring Time (@MT) (<0 => Not used)
- Zener Measuring Time: Zener Measuring Time (@MT) (<0 => Not used)
- Photo Coupler Measuring Time: Photo Coupler Measuring Time (@MT) (<0 => Not used)
- Diode Measuring Range: Diode Measuring Range (@MI) (<0 => Not used)
- Upper Limit for 0-Ohm Resistor (Ohm): Upper Limit for 0-Ohm Resistor in Ohms (@MR)
- Lower Limit for ignored Resistor (MOhm): Lower Limit for ignored Resistor in MOhm (@MR)
- Upper Limit for ignored Capacitor (pF): Upper Limit for ignored Capacitor in pF (@MR)
- Lower Limit for ignored Diodes (V): Lower Limit for ignored Diodes in V (@MR)
- Diode Tolerance Plus: Diode Tolerance Plus (@T)
- Diode Tolerance Minus: Diode Tolerance Minus (@T)
- ICOpen Forced: Export ICOpen Test, also if Component is too small
- ICOpen Tolerance Plus: ICOpen Tolerance Plus (@T)
- ICOpen Tolerance Minus: ICOpen Tolerance Minus (@T)
- ICOpen Sensor Diameter (MM): ICOpen Sensor Diameter (in Millimeter)
- Pin2Pin Max Distance SMT (MM): Pin2Pin Test: Maximum distance for SMT pins of different nets to be tested for short circuit (µm)
- Pin2Pin Max Distance THT (MM): Pin2Pin Test: Maximum distance for THT pins of different nets to be tested for short circuit (µm)
- Conveyor Margin (@Y): Conveyor Margin (µm) (<0 => Not used)
- Probe Speed for TEST_POINT: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for THD*: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for SMD_SMALL: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for SMD_MEDIUM: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for SMD_LARGE: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for CONNECTOR: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for DIP: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Probe Speed for PAD: Probe Speed per Land Figure (@PS)
- Create LED Color Test: Create Dummy LED Color Test Entry (Location=CT)
- Create Vision Test: Create Vision Test for Components without TestModels (@V5)
- Export @VO Option: Export @VO option (Offset for THTs)
- Export @W Option: Export @W option (board width/height) in the CA9 Header
- Ignore NC Pin at ICOpen: Ignore NotConnected Pins at ICOpen TestModels
- Ignore NC Pin at Pin2GND: Ignore NotConnected Pins at Pin2GND TestModels
- Unique Test Step Names: Each Test Step should have a unique name instead of the PartName (except Pin2Pin, Pin2GND and ICOpen)
- Use Testprobe-Keepout as Highfly: Use the TESTPROBE_KEEPOUT instead of the REAL_BODY_OUTLINE as Highfly-Area
- Inductor Tolerance Addition (%): Inductor Tolerance Addition in %
- Resistor Tolerance Addition (%): Resistor Tolerance Addition in %
- Capacitor Tolerance Addition (%): Capacitor Tolerance Addition in %